//quick stolen from gettrickz.blogspot.com, thnx bud // Replaces all instances of the given substring. String.prototype.replaceAll = function( strTarget, // The substring you want to replace strSubString // The string you want to replace in. ){ var strText = this; var intIndexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( strTarget ); // Keep looping while an instance of the target string // still exists in the string. while (intIndexOfMatch != -1){ // Relace out the current instance. strText = strText.replace( strTarget, strSubString ) // Get the index of any next matching substring. intIndexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( strTarget ); } // Return the updated string with ALL the target strings // replaced out with the new substring. return( strText ); } function addReddit() { document.fb_text.in_text.value=document.fb_text.in_text.value + "(REDDIT)"; } function fb_conv(txt) { txt=txt.toUpperCase(txt); txt=txt.replaceAll("(REDDIT)","`"); txt=txt.replaceAll("(HOMER)","[[331865320159294]]"); txt=txt.replaceAll("A","Get Here+"); //such a filthy 'space' hack //too lazy to troubleshoot why why replaecAll doesnt like spaces.. //wanna get this done n workin by ZKB! txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+");; txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replace(" ","Get Here+"); txt=txt.replaceAll("+"," "); document.getElementById("copy_me").innerHTML=txt; }